Web Development Training

MindScript Web development Course


Web design and development is one of the most exciting career choices; a beautiful blend of creativity and technical knowledge. Our full-stack Web development course is uniquely designed to cover all the aspects of website development from scratch. This course is specially created for beginners who have no prior programming experience and help them become a professional web developer. This is the perfect course to start your web design career.

Our Course is divided into two modules

  • Front-end (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap 4): In this module, you will learn HTML which is used for creating web pages and web applications. You will learn the latest HTML5 version and its new features. After creating the web page, we will go on to structure and style our webpage using CSS, we will also learn CSS Animations and Responsive web design.
  • After this you will learn Javascript. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the web. We will start right from basic questions like what is javascript, where is javascript used, and then learn the language in depth. you will learn JQuery, the most popular javascript library. Finally you will learn Bootstrap 4. one of the most popular frameworks used by the front-end developers. We will look at various examples in bootstrap, why we need bootstrap and finally we will build our own fully responsive website using bootstrap.

All you need to join the course:

  • Graduate or Under Graduate in any stream
  • Dedication to learn
  • Basic Java Training

Web Development Course- Syllabus

  • How internet works behind the scenes
  • What is a web page
  • How HTML works
  • Difference between html and html5
  • HTML Syntax
  • HTML Document Structure - HEAD BODY
  • HTML Tags, Attribute, property
  • Meta Tags
  • Heading tags, content tags, formatting tags, anchor tags, image tags
  • Tables and Lists.
  • Div, span tags
  • Canvas tags, Multimedia tags.
  • HTML5 tags - header, footer, main etc.
  • input tags.
  • Putting it all together to create a webpage.
  • Creating layouts.
  • use of stylesheets.
  • inline, external stylesheets.
  • CSS Selectors.
  • Pseudo Classes.
  • Element Positioning.
  • CSS Layouts.
  • CSS Properties.
  • Decorating contents.
  • transform,transition,filter
  • CSS Animations.
  • Media Queries for responsive layouts.
  • CSS Flexbox(part of css layouts).
  • Creating a simple website using HTML5 and CSS3.
  • OR
  • Styling the previously created HTML5 Layout.
  • Javascript History(Clearing the myth)
  • Importance of JS
  • Where JS is used.
  • How JS works behind the scenes
  • JS Syntax
  • Use of Console.
  • var,data types, keywords
  • JS Operators
  • Arrays
  • Objects. Object Properties and Methods.
  • Date, String
  • Conditional Logic(if else, switch)
  • Loops(for, for each)
  • Break and continue.
  • Variable Scoping
  • Functions(Func Exprsn, IIFE, anonymous, callbacks)
  • Introduction to this keyword.
  • DOM Introduction
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Creating, updating, deleting elements from DOM
  • Events in JS
  • Event Handling
  • Asynchronous JAVASCRIPT.
  • Error Handling in JS
  • validation in JS
  • Canvas
  • Interacting with the webpage using JS.
  • Additional Topics(if time permits): Arrow Functions, Object Prototype, Closures, Promises,Generators,Async Await, let const, Maps and Sets, Spread, Rest and Default parameters, Object Oriented JS, Inheritance in JS and much more.
  • Need of JQuery
  • jQuery Syntax
  • Document Ready Function
  • noConflict() method in jQuery
  • jQuery Selectors - ID Selector, Class Selector, Element Selector, Multiple Elements Selector, Universal Selector
  • jQuery CSS Methods
  • adding, removing classes
  • styling elements
  • Setting Element Width & Height
  • DOM Attributes
  • DOM traversing
  • Find Elements by index
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Content Manipulation
  • Removing, Inserting Elements
  • Binding, Removing event handlers
  • Event Types
  • The Event Object
  • jQuery Effects - show, hide, toggle, slideUp, slideDown, fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo
  • AJAX- load(), get(), post(), ajax()
  • JSON - JSON.stringify(), getJSON()
  • Mobile First Strategy
  • What is Bootstrap Framework
  • Why Bootstrap
  • Advantages of Bootstrap
  • Responsive web page with Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Setup.
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Container
  • Offset Column
  • responsive Images
  • Bootstrap Button
  • Bootstrap Form Layout
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Carets Classes
  • hide or show the text in Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Navbar Component
  • Input Groups Components
  • Dropdown Menu Component
  • Glyphicons Component
  • Labels / Badge Components
  • Bootstrap Panel Component
  • Thumbnail Component
  • Creating a complete responsive Website using bootstrap 4.
  • PHP Introduction
  • PHP Environment Setup
  • Implement Programming Concepts
    • PHP Variables & Data Types
    • PHP Constant
    • PHP String Functions
    • PHP Printing
    • PHP Conditional Statements
    • PHP Loops
    • PHP Functions
    • PHP Array
    • PHP Global Variable
    • PHP MySQL Integration
  • Form Processing
    • PHP Forms
    • Handling
    • Validation
    • Required
    • Date & Time
    • File inclusion
    • PHP File Handling
    • File Upload
    • PHP Sessions Handling
    • Storing Data in Session
    • Retrieving Data from Session
    • Handling Cookies Basics
    • Handling Cookies to Store Data
    • Handling Cookies to Retrieve Data
    • Error & Exception Handling
  • PHP MySQL (Database) Integration
    • MySQL Configuration
    • MySQL Basics
    • Configuring PhpMyAdmin for SQL usage
    • Inserting Data in MySQL via PHP Forms
    • Updating Data in MySQL via PHP Forms
    • Deleting Data in MySQL via PHP Forms
    • Selecting or Retriving Data From MySQL and Displaying on PHP Forms
  • Adv Concepts
    • PHP Filters
    • Validation using Filters
    • AJAX
      • Ajax Overview
      • Ajax Benefits
      • Ajax PHP Integration
      • Ajax MySQL Examples
  • Project Deployment on BigRock Servers
  • Project Deployment on BigRock Servers

Have any Android application development project in your mind?

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