MERN Stack Course

All you need to join the course:
- Graduation in any stream
- To be graduating from any stream
- Knowledge of JavaScript is must.
MERN Stack Course - Syllabus
- Advance JavaScript
- Objects, Arrays
- this keyword in depth
- for in loop, forEach loop
- filter, map, reduce.
- module system
- Promises
- Async Await
- Hoisting
- OOPs in JS
- Destructuring
- Spread, Rest Operators
- Default parameters
- Introduction
- Installation and setup
- What are Components
- Functional and Class Components
- Stateless Components
- Using 3rd Party Components
- Lists and Conditional Statements
- Debugging React App
- Styling Components
- Redux
- React with Redux
- Routes
- Route Guards
- Forms and Form validations.
- API Handling Using React.
React Mini Project
- What is Node.JS?
- Installing Node.js
- What is NPM
- What is package.json
- Node CLI
- The Node.js Event Loop
- What is Modules?
- Module.exports
- Modularizing JavaScript
- require() function
- Third party modules
- Events in Node.js
- Event Emitter in nodejs
- Creating Your first Server
- Handling GET, POST requests
- Read, Write files
- Copying, Moving and renaming files
- Understanding Streams and Buffers
- Reading and Writing streams
- Using pipe()
- Web Sockets
- Real Time interaction using
- Introduction
- Installing and using Express
- Express Server
- Routing
- Using Middleware
- Queries and Request Parameters
- View Engine
- Form Handling
- User Authentication
- Error Handling
API Creation Using Express
- Introduction
- What is NoSQL Database?
- MongoDB Installation
- Creating Documents
- Managing Documents in Collections
- Looping over documents
- Create/ Read(Retrieve) / Update/ Delete in MongoDB
- Complex Queries in MongoDB
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Aggregation in MongoDB
MERN Stack Project